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West River Sailing Club 95th Labor Day Regatta: The Best of the Bay in a few Days!

The West River Sailing Club Regatta is typically a three day event. A long distance race on Friday followed by two days of racing. The Wayfarers decided to skip the traditional Annapolis to Galesville long distance race for a Cruise/Race to the Thomas Point Screw-Pile light house; the last of its kinds still in service on the Chesapeake. Friday was a cool day with steady Northeast wind with a long fetch across the bay and a glowering grey sky. The Lighthouse was perfectly position as a windward mark but slightly camouflaged by ships parked a long way behind her. It was a long strong beat to the lighthouse with a steady rolling run back to West River. All in all about 14 miles round trip, longer than the traditional down the Bay race.

The winds on Saturday morning proved elusive so the race committee moved us to the outside course. The southeast wind arrived as predicted and racing began about 11:00am. There was a noticeable current flowing from the windward mark to the committee boat which gave the illusion of speed upwind and dead air down wind. The far left side of the course seemed to offer the best line to the windward mark. Downwind was a mixed bag but a starboard reach followed by a tight port reach seemed to work well. Five races were completed on Saturday and no one left the course wishing for a 6th. It had been a long full day of racing.

Sunday dawned quiet and grey. The SI’s stated that no races would be started after 3:00pm, a bit late for our fleet who all needed to get on the road. We agreed as a fleet that there would be no more than two races on Sunday and no start after 12:30. As 10:30 approached and the postponement went on, we did the math and decided that even getting in one race was not possible. We counted down the last 5 minutes to 10:30 and had our own Awards ceremony. Intrepid ( Covington/Ferguson) were first. Sirocco (Driver/Driver) took second with Anansi ( Heine/Collins) in third. The Most Improved award went to Anansi ( Heine/Collins). John and Mary Driver were the perfect Regatta Hosts and I’m truly looking forward to returning next year.