New 2025 Chesapeake Cruise

Last Summer at the West River Regatta in Galesville MD, after a cruise/race to Thomas Point Shoal Light, the idea emerged that there should be a new Chesapeake Cruise. There is a lot of the Chesapeake to be explored and seemed senseless to continue to travel in the same circles. West River Sailing Club seemed the perfect place to start from and John Driver came up with the route to the Eastern Short towns of Knapp Narrows, St Michaels, and Oxford, picturesque towns with long histories. The route is WRSC to Knapp Narrows. Knapp Narrows to St Michaels. St Michaels to Oxford. Oxford to Knapp Narrows. Knapp Narrows to WRSC. The cruise starts the day after the West River Sailing Club regatta on Labor Day Weekend and will be 5 days of sailing. (September 1st to the 5th) It should be an exciting sailing adventure. For further information please contact John Driver (Cruise Director for this trip) at Also Maptech Waterproof Chart #25 Edition 4 of the Upper Bay would be the chart to use for the cruise, it has all the locations, albeit just at the edge of the chart, but complete.